Running Technique and Conditioning Workshop
Run this year without the Injuries!!
Did you know over 90% of people's running techniques can be improved to help reduce injury and improve performance?
As a former competitive runner and Australian Cross Country Champion I have a passion for helping others improve their running technique efficiency. From my time at the Australian Institute of Sport in the 90’s to knowledge gained much later treating running injuries as a Physio, I have developed a practical style of teaching for all levels (joggers to performance athletes) especially perfect if you are looking to do regular running this year without the injuries!
Scott with old friend and fellow AIS runner Shaun Creighton who still holds the Australian 3000m steeplechase record at 8:16. set July 1993
We will be looking a several common factors most running techniques styles agree on along with my own take on what has helped when trying to teach people to change less desirable technique tendencies. Also I will give a few ‘bang for the buck’ conditioning exercise that often get overlooked and some key release points for post run recovery.
The Workshop is free as a way of giving back to our community but places are limited so reserve your spot with an email to
Evolve Physio Byron Bay Running Technique and Conditioning Workshop, Sat 4 Feb 2023, 8-9 am
Scott representing St Andrews College with the Lone Piper at ES Marks Randwick on the final lap for the win of the 5000m Inter-college Rawson Cup 1997.